Special Pre-Release Discount for Members Only
I am doing a pre-release for my update group members. Members will enjoy a discount for this new collection and it will be only available for a limited time period.
From 16th Jan till 18th Jan 2009 at 11am SLT. After that the collection will be sold at its usual price to the general public.
Nicky Ree's Fashion Designs Group Members Only Area for the Pre - Release is at
Location is at http://slurl.com/secondlife/Tropical%20Orchid/80/206/131/
I had sketches of a victorian style collection sitting on my desk for months. Finally this month I managed to put my ideas onto digital form in photoshop. I chose the name "Mei" for several reasons. "Mei" in chinese can mean pretty, beautiful or a generic name for a young lady or little sister as in "Mei Mei" and in dutch "mei" is the name for the month of May.
While drawing this collection I kept thinking about my mother, guess after seeing her during my November holidays I am missing her again and since my mother's birthday is in the month of may, this collection name was thus named.
Lady Mei Victorian Collection comes with 2 different styles, one a more traditionally inspired gown of the victorian era, great for role playing and one in a more sleeker and modern style with a svelte long skirt for that evening of classic elegance. Available in 18 colours in my main store in Tropical Orchid.
The colours available are : Yellow Gold, Steel, Silver White, Salmon N Pink, Red, Red N Choc, Red N Black, Purple, Pink, Pearl Blush, Green, Gold N Green, Choc, Blue, Black, Black N Purple, Aqua, Aqua N Blue.
While designing the gown I got inspired to design some matching hats to go with it. The hats designed for this collection is sold seperately.
How to wear:
The classic victorian inspired style
- *DNR* Lady Mei Corset Top
- *DNR* Lady Mei Jacket
- *DNR* Lady Mei Victorian Skirt
- *DNR* Lady Mei Glitch Pants
- *DNR* Lady Mei Gloves
- Lady Mei Victorian Prim Skirt ( choice between opaque or alpha )
- Lady Mei Victorian L Sleef Prim
- Lady Mei Victorian R Sleef Prim
The modern elegant classic svelte skirt with a train
- *DNR* Lady Mei Corset Top
- *DNR* Lady Mei Gloves
- *DNR* Lady Mei Glitch Pants
- *DNR* Lady Mei Long Skirt
- Lady Mei L Leg Prim Satin
- Lady Mei R Leg Prim Satin
- Lady Mei Centre Skirt Prim Satin
- *DNR* Lady Mei Centre Skirt Train (Pelvis) Satin
Nicky Ree