That's LONG.AWKWARD.POSE. or [LAP] just incase you were wondering.
Hi guys and gals! I know it has been a couple of weeks since the last update, I admit it, I have been slacking off. :p Okay, that's not entirely true, I do have a lot of things in the works - read below if you care to - otherwise here's the new stuff!
New couple's and group's sets this week! I've been doing a bunch of custom work and some of the customers were kind enough to let me release them to the public - so you guys get to enjoy them too! :D
(as always my couple/group sets are mod/trans)
(click for larger image preview)
That last one is a freebie for my group only! If you haven't joined, you should, it's subscribe-o-matic so it doesn't take up any group slots and I try not to spam unless it's total greatness. :D
Anyway, I've been working on a ton of custom projects, some of which are inspiring me and motivating me in the AO department that so many of you have been on my case about. :p So that's a plus. I'm also looking into opening up a couple of satellite shops in the near future - I hope that proves to be a success! I've got my hands in a few more charity/benefit events so be on the lookout for ways you can participate and help, and also grab up some goodies for a good cause!
Oh! One last thing. I'm sure some of you have heard of or know Tillie Ariantho - if you haven't yet, you need to get your hands on her totally awesome pose stand. It's a must for photographers and pose-addicts out there. The reason I'm telling you guys this is because you can now find one of her vendors in my shop, just inside the doorway on the right. Any questions or comments you have can be directed her way - I'm just the messenger.
That's all from me!
<3 Dove (just another poser)
Long Awkward Pose In-World