Some skins up to 75% off!
Why the sale? We have decided to discontinue our entire line of ladies Harmony skins (6 skin tones, 88 makeup options) and have marked these down to the ridiculously low price of $200 lindens each!
This is your last chance to get a Harmony skin from The Body Politik, in 2 days they will be gone for good so grab them while you can! (Could we be making room for a NEW line of skins? Hmmm...)
All Our other skins are marked down to half price,for both men and ladies. All avatar shapes and shape/skin sets are on sale too - get a high class look at a bargin price!
The Sale is on until 5pm SLT on Monday OCtober 20th. While your in the store add us to your picks and join our Pick Us! contest. This weeks winner of the $1000 linden gift card is Lolamora7 Lynagh, next drawing will be November 1
See you at the sale! (TP HERE)