Wacawacawaca! The freebie wall at Shapes by Zada has a new avatar! It's a single attachment avatar, cartoon shaded to give that black outline effect, and scripted so that when you move around it makes a wacawacawaca sound and the mouth opens and closes with the iconic eating action. Because you don't get to see the animation too well from the regular over the shoulder camera position, you'll find an easy to use camera locking hud in the box so you can watch yourself running around chasing ghosts! And of course, it's absolutely free at the Shapes by Zada mainstore (Talisman 84/140/24).
Pacvatar isn't the only free avatar from Shapes by Zada this week. In fact, there are six more, available atBotgirl's Identity Circus,a fascinating art exhibition, exploring aspects of identity in Second Life. Based on an idea by Botgirl Questi, Shapes by Zada has made the uniqueAvatar Transformation Tent. Just step into the tent, follow the instructions, and when you step out again, you'll be random new avatar! There are no clues what you'll be until you see the new you. It can be quite a shock, but it's a lot of fun, and of course you get to keep the avatar after your visit. Pay attention to what you get, there are free shapes, eyes and a skin available. You can read more about Botgirl's Identity Circus on her blog at botgirl.blogspot.com or visit the exhibition at New Caerleon (40/227/22).