i LOVE a good pair of flats and i have been making then like crazy. these have been out awhile but i forgot to blog them here!!! i put these out first these which match the scarves i put out last week, they have a silky paisley print (im on a paisley kick now too, more stuff out soon) and these cuties have 12 gemstone choices on touch. one option is plain and one has cute silver skulls :) (yes i like skulls my first outfit was "skullicious")

anyway, i think flats are a must have wardrobe staple, so if you do too... here ya go! (btw these were inspired by some RL vintage flats i own, i have a bunch with stones on them and so any they are special to me :)
xoxo, caLLie
oh btw, they are 199L a pair, max pack 599L