Thursday, June 4, 2009

Also New @ .:StoRin:.

You can get the Alice umbrella, in the acessories section or near the Umbrella Pose Pack, at Lalique.

.:StoRin:. Alice Umbrella

The Alice Umbrella comes with a retexturing and recolouring script! You can retexture the umbrella itself with 9 existing textures (all shown in photo) and you can recolour the stick of the umbrella (can't remembr now how many colours are available, but I think there are 9 too). Inside the pack you also get a closed umbrella, with the same scripts to recolour and retexture (example of closed umbrella shown in just one texture!). The best thing is that all this options, and the umbrella is only L$100. Go grab it! Oh there is also a demo, so you can try for yourself!

I have made available a transfer version only at Xstreet SL, where you can find 2 different versions! This means that you can get the copy/no transf umbrella in the store and at Xstreet, but if you want a trans/no copy umbrella you can get it only at XStreet.

Get the taxi to Lalique and go try the poses, and get the umbrella!!
