I've been waiting impatiently for this one! Another grand confluence of elegant style and clever scripting gives you a wristwatch you don't have to zoom in on to read its face! Instead, chat up the watch and have it project the clockface on the ground beneath your avatar! In changing colors and unmistakable readability is the time of day!
Yes, this is yet another way an accessory allows you innocently to call attention to yourself ... and who knows? Maybe Mr or Ms Right will be able to recall the very hour your eyes locked and history began!
When you do zoom in on the watch it's a beautiful analog timepiece keyed to SL time with strappy wristband and silver clockface.
Type /101 time and the clockface will be projected on the ground for 60 seconds before timing out. To change the time setting from the SLT default of "-8" you can Edit the watch and replace the "-8" with the number that represents you timezone, if that is what you desire.
For this and other similar items, visit Ali's newly redesigned store in Second Mirage or her new store at Bayside Beach Galleria.
Or go online to SLExchange or on Rez.