As can be seen from my last two releases, I am going back and redesigning some of my older designs to fit with today's look and retiring the old. To be honest, I had not looked over some of my older designs for quite some time. When I decided to start redesigning some of my older things, I noticed that the pricing of them was not in line with today's economy, SL as well as RL. A buck just doesn't get you what it use to in SL and a buck in RL is getting harder to come by.
That being said, I have reduced prices on 37 items in the main section of the store. This includes Ladies and Men's outfits and range from a 10% reduction to a 50% reduction. My newer items haven't been changed, I feel these are priced accordingly. I have marked the reduced items with a "Red Square " that says "Reduced". These squares will stay up for a short time so everyone can see what has been marked down.
That's not all.
On the 2nd floor there are now 10 sections of my older Items reduced by as much as 60%. This includes Ladies and Men's items.
50 Ladies Outfits at 99L
90 Ladies Outfits at 150L
30 Ladies Outfits at 250L
55 Ladies Tops at 50L
25 Ladies Pants at 50L
15 Men's Outfits at 99L
45 Men's Outfits at 150L
9 Men's Outfits at 250L
40 Men's Shirts at 50L
22 Men's Pants at 50L
As far as redesigning some of my older items. I am still going to be doing some of this when the mood hits me and I don't know which ones I will be doing yet. When I do, the older ones will be retired the same day I release the newer ones.
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