News at Digital Knickers!!! The move is done, the dust has settled, and Digital Knickers
is ready for YOU! This past week, I was invited to do an interview for slcn.tv's Angie Mornington, on her show, Fab Fashion. Much to my suprise, it was a total blast, and I thank her, and all the staff at slcn.tv for the oppurtunity!!
View the video here: http://slcn.tv/fabulous-fashion-digital-knickers
One of the lingerie sets featured on the show, "Crush" wasnt at the time released in store. However it has been put at the door, in a freebie box, stop by and grab one!
Also this week, BOOTS! I have taken two older boots and revamped them with sculpty prims
and gave them an overall fresher look.
Also new, "Gemini" a sexy hot wedge heel biker boot! I am in total love with this style,
the texture, the straps, everything! These are actually scripted with a menu, for 7 delicious color changes (hot pink, grape, red, moonlight blue, java, emerald, and black). These boots are
mod/copy/ NO TRANSFER.
See You there!! Digital Knickers