The -InSync- Party Riverboat, the syncronicity III is perfect for your friendly gatherings. If you want to walk all around the decks, have a look at the spinning wheel, sit inside to see the sun go down ........... the syncronicity II is perfect for that. On the second deck you can have wonderfull parties and with the DJ Boot in the CaptainsHut you can have a blast. The whole stucture is low prim only 291. All textures are homemade and some of them are even handdrawn! This boat simply asks to party 24 hours a day 7/7 a week .
It will be sold at XStreet and if you want to check out how it looks first??? That will be possible too. Da Vinci Isle has given us the opportunity to give the landmark to Club Idylls, take a TP and check it out!!!
Do you want to have your special name on the party river boat?? Just IM us and will make that in addition.
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Frederic Graves & AEster Hathaway